Saturday, December 29, 2018

Ten Reasons to Take a Look at The World of Fletnern

The World of Fletnern was first shown to the wider public in 1991 within various Board Enterprises products.  More and more depth has been added since that point, but that doesn’t mean all of you know about it.  So here are the ten reasons you should take a look at The World of Fletnern:
1.  It’s FREE!!  There is no money to check out Fletnern!

2.  It has everything a fantasy world needs to have.  It has dragons, knights, elves, dwarves, trolls, orcs, and on and on and on.  They’re all here.

3.  But all those normal things have different spins.  So it is not boring old elves stuck in a forest, but instead a dynamic society of the magical nobles and downtrodden (maybe rebellious) commoners.  Or there are the Circle Forest elves, many of which have turned to raiding viking style.  The orcs are fashioning the world’s largest empire.  The dwarves are (mostly) communists.

4.  Magic not only exists, but it is available.  Mages offer long distance teleportation.  Mentalists use telepathy to relay messages across the continents.  Hospitals have healers able to cure diseases and heal wounds.  This is high fantasy!

5.  The different cultures are different.  Not every human looks the same or acts the same.  Not every troll follows the same religion.  Every race is free to be who they want to be, even if that splits them into multiple factions.

6.  And on the subject of religions:  there are different religions.  Even the individual gods have more than one religion.  This is not a matter of “all elves worship this god and all worship him in the exact same way”.

7.  The price list makes sense.  Different products come from different places, and they are cheaper where they’re made.  But the economy doesn’t cause an apple orchard to face bankruptcy because the game designer didn’t understand math.

8.  The various factions are taking actions.  Unlike most of your computer game worlds, the rival factions and secret societies continue to plan, to prepare, and to take action.  There is constantly news in the world, because things are actually happening.

9.  The detail is there, but it’s not overwhelming.  Fletnern has many cultures that you will find interesting, possibly fascinating, and they all make sense.  But it was also developed to be run by anyone with whatever level of interest that they have.  Study it, or simply breeze through for some ideas - it doesn’t matter.  You will come to love it!

10.  But most of all, Fletnern is a world of adventure.  There are bad guys to defeat, monsters to tame, and ancient relics to recover.  The history isn’t some boring exposition, but instead written specifically to drive adventure hooks. 

Fletnern can be found for free at its wiki site:

A summary can be found at its page on our site:

And the truly in-depth write ups are contained within the Small Bites editions.  The free World Walker editions are available at:

For anyone hoping to run Fletnern as a game world or use it for ideas on their own world, you may want to join us on Patreon and get the full sized Game Masters’ editions here:

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