Saturday, May 4, 2019

Why not create hundreds of vampires?

A companion piece to our Creatures of the Night edition

When we talked about vampires, we often mentioned that there were very few vampires in the Noble Vampire’s court.  But why?  It is a simple matter of logistics.  The Noble Vampire concept works because a large number of “peasants” can maintain a small number of vampires.  Once the number of vampires increases, you need to have a huge number of peasants.

This makes it more difficult to administer, and it allows powerful subordinates who believe they should advance to the top of the heap.  You are putting a greater strain (demand) on your food supply, as well as building up your own base of enemies.

By keeping things small, the dark lords should be able to not only control their people, but also their cattle.  Besides, the neighbors become nervous living near a couple of vampires.  They become positively paranoid about a couple dozen.  No need to give them motivation to come attack you.

This post was written as part of the upcoming The Miscellaneous Anniversary Edition aka All About Everything Else, the latest in our Small Bites editions.  Every other Small Bites book looks deeply at one subject, a character archetype, a race/monster, a style of questing, or some other role-playing/world building subject.  This one is showcasing small items that didn’t make it into earlier editions, mainly due to size.

We hope we’re getting you interested.  If you want to see the World Walker edition for FREE!! stay tuned to this blog.  If we’ve hooked you and you want to get the full Game Masters’ edition, click here.

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